pH can be defined as the concentration of H+ ions in a liquid. A pH sensor is a device that is used to measure the pH value of a liquid.So, let’s start with downloading and installing the pH Sensor Library for Proteus. So, here’s the list of all four pH sensors, I have added to this pH sensor library: We will have a look at how to use these sensors below. The potentiometer will produce a reading from 0 to 1023, which will be mapped from 0 to 14 in the program code. Since we can’t place real liquid and measure pH in this software, I have attached a test pin in the pH meter where you have to connect a potentiometer. In this pH Sensor Library, I have added four different pH Sensors, which are used for the detection of the pH of any fluid.
You can interface this pH Sensor with any Microcontroller, for example: Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, 8051 Microcontroller etc. You can’t find a pH sensor in Proteus software, so we designed a pH sensor for simulation purposes. By knowing the pH of a liquid we can tell whether the liquid is acidic or basic. We are all well aware of pH Sensors which are used for the detection of pH of different fluids. I hope you all will enjoy it and find it useful. In this article, I am going to tell you about a new pH Sensor Library for Proteus.
Hi guys, I hope you are good and doing well in your life.